Post Jam Updates

Now that the GMTK Game Jam rating period is over, we're able to push some updates! We don't really plan on doing heavy development on this game, but wanted to make some minor fixes.

version 1.0.2

  • Scarecrow label math fixed so that going from full screen to minimized does not throw off the label
  • Sound effect added to end screen return to title button

 Version 1.0.1

  • Movement controls have been improved. There was an issue in the jam where if the camera moved it was slow for Sparrow to reorient what "forward" was. It also gave Sparrow a really wide turning radius. It made Sparrow feel out of control at times. Our wide eyed friend is still a little difficult to control, but it's much snappier now.
  • Added a label to help you find the scarecrow.
  • Added some more sound effects to make the game more immersive and responsive.
  • Updated the tophat area to be a bit less buggy and a bit more interesting.
  • Improvements to dialog hints. After watching some playtests I realized the hints were not clear enough and the tracker at the top of the screen could be more clear as well to remind people in case they get distracted or don't read the dialog closely.
  • Improvements to some of the illustrations.

Bugs & things we're aware of: 

  • Many of the sounds and cinematics could do with some fading in/fading out and transitions.

Files Play in browser
Jul 17, 2023

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