Fullscreen button is available in the bottom right. Unity for web is a bit slow, it may take up to 30 seconds for the game to load. 


About the Game

A short cozy game. An unlikely duo has come together with Scarecrow and Sparrow. Help them grow their budding friendship so they can go on new adventures! 



WASD to move

Mouse to look around

E to interact

Escape to toggle menu

Talk to the scarecrow and bring it what it needs.

Stuck? Check out the Written Walkthrough


Behind the Scenes

We created this game in 48 hours for the GMTK 2023 GameJam. The theme of this game was "Roles Reversed". Our take on this was that a scarecrow and a bird would normally be enemies--but in this game it's crucial that they work together and deepen their friendship.  

Github Game Files

Art Gallery (Contains Spoilers)



ElevateCode - Programming, Level Design, Sound Design, Voice Acting, Writing

Redseiko - Programming, UI

iesuzume - UI Art and Illustrations

We ❤ Feedback! It helps us learn!

We ❤ Streamers! Feel free to stream this game.


Development log


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Great work for a 2 day period!

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it! There wasn't much sleep in those two days but it was worth it haha


Sounds about right! A good ol jam to get the brain flowing is always a good time even when sleep deprived xD

You did a great job! Love the artstyle!


That was so cute and fun to play!

I'm glad you had fun! :D